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Security Hologram

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2D/3D Origination Type Holographic Label

2D/3D Holographic Label Samples Page 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10

SECURE GENUINE, 2D/3D holographic sticker, two layers, two color in forground, two color in background with good depth and shiny foreground.

SECURE Hologram, Honeycomb/beehive Tamper evident.

SECURE 2D/3D holographic sticker, two layers, two color in forground, two color in background with good depth and shiny foreground.

SECURE GENUINE, 2D/3D holographic sticker, two layers, two color in forground, two color in background with good depth and shiny foreground. Honey Comb Tamper Evident Pattern Released.

SECURE GENUINE, 2D/3D holographic sticker, two layers, two color in forground, two color in background with good depth and sh